Terracura / GeoCure, partners and members are working to establish over 20 million acres of pesticide-free, non-GMO bee habitat in the U.S. within the next decade, known as “BeeHab Reserves.”
BeeHab Reserves, along with the hives protected and preserved in them, participating members, and supporters, foster sustainable ecosystems and thriving environments that will create true economic stability for beekeepers, almond growers, and farmers of all bee-pollinated crops.
This initiative includes creating and nurturing a strategic reserve of approximately 6.5 million non-GMO beehives for preservation purposes on these lands. Globally, our mission is to create 1 billion acres of BeeHab Reserves by 2039, supporting over 80 million non-GMO, natural hives.
By 2030, in the U.S.,Terracura plans to create an initial 20+ million acres of pesticide-free bee habitat on acquired lands or initiated through leases as partnerships with private landowners. This 20+ million acres will be cultivated with approximately 2+ million acres of bee/pollinator-friendly forage.
In addition, the BeeHab Reserves program is planned to include up to 56 million acres in the U.S. established through leases coordinated with Native American tribes across all 50 states.
To learn more and for the full details of the offer, please register by entering the PASSWORD the Hackenberg’s or Homer’s provided to you.
Registration is free; there is no obligation, commitment, or hidden costs.
GeoCure Mission
If you’re reading this, you’ve either been invited by The Homers: Richard and Seth of Homer’s Honeybees Utah or The Hackenberg Family: Davie Jr., or Joe of Hackenberg Apiaries / Buffy Bee.
As they have generally shared, Terracura is in the process of buying U.S. commercial hives as part of the GeoCure Global Hive Cooperative (GeoCure). These hives will be grown as part of a global program called “BeeHab Reserves” and Earths Purest Farms, Ranches, Lands, and Forests.